28 Mar 2018
Our community hero this month is Sanctuary Chichele Presidential Lodge in South Luangwa National Park!

Sanctuary Chichele Presidential Lodge has been involved in a fantastic initiative to improve the lives of children attending the Uyoba Community School. The school is situated just outside the game management area of South Luangwa National Park, and educates approximately 650 students. Unfortunately the school previously only had four classrooms, which meant that teachers had no choice but to conduct classes outside. This lead to difficulties and cancelled classes during the rainy season, which can bring severe downpour to the area.
Sanctuary Retreats Philanthropy partnered with a local NGO to build new classrooms for the school and also provided new desks for all the students, creating a more comfortable and reliable education environment. Bushtracks Africa realizes the importance of community outreach programs and conservation initiatives established by our proffered destinations. We believe in supporting these initiatives and congratulate those camps and lodges who take responsibility for the environment and communities that surround them.
When visiting Sanctuary Chichlele Presidential Lodge during school term periods, guests have the opportunity to visit the school and talk to student representatives about life of a school pupil in rural Zambia.

Image courtesy of Sanctuary Retreats Philanthropy