09 Apr 2019
We would like to thank everyone who donated to the Elephant Charge this year!

With your support and generous donations we managed to raise over £ 5000 for wildlife conservation efforts in Zambia. This is a vert important cause that we hold very close to our hearts and we couldn't be more grateful for your support. All those who benefit from the Elephant Charge are very appreciative of the donations they receive through this cause and together we can continue to work towards a Zambia who's wildlife is flourishing.
A warm special Bushtracks thank you to the following people for their generosity:
3Sixty Luxury Ltd
Antonia Kaye
Bella Kennedy
Caroline Lomas
Christina Lomas
Davis & Carolyn Tett
Deborah Drummond
Esse Clearing
Guy Kelland
Hemingways 4x4
Hugh Lomas
Imagine Cruising
Linda Brunet
Michael Gundelfinger
Nicholas Tett
Patricia Joynson
Pauline Kinton
Sarah Marsden
Victoria & Mark Jarvis
Vanessa Nielsen & SAFPAR
See who benefitted from your donations here.
See more about the Elephant Charge here.