09 Apr 2019

Robert More from the MORE group of properties has announced that they have entered a relationship with the Stanley & Livingstone on a ‘management and equity’ capacity, and will be closing the hotel for a complete refurbishment, after which it will become the ‘Stanley & Livingstone Boutique Hotel’ claiming it be the first of it’s kind in Victoria Falls. Robert More said in a statement “The Stanley & Livingstone will be closing on the 12th November 2017 for a 7-month refurbishment totaling approximately R30 million, and will reopen as The Stanley & Livingstone Boutique Hotel on the 1st July 2018. The emphasis of the upgrade is to bring this amazing property in line with the distinctive style and level of luxury to which our guests and partners have become accustomed. It is also to clearly reposition her as a Boutique Hotel (the first of its kind in Victoria Falls) and not a Lodge. We recognize that Victoria Falls is a place to ‘pause’ on an adventurous itinerary around Southern Africa. The guest experience will have a high focus on peace and tranquility (it’s nice to not be in the path of all those helicopters continuously flying over The Falls!); food and service; spa and wellbeing.” Mr More then mentioned that Ursula’s Camp will undergo a soft refurbishment, and will be renamed ‘Ursula’s Homestead’. She will continue to be sold separately from the Stanley & Livingstone Boutique Hotel, as her character and guest experiences are somewhat different.” Get in touch with Bushtracks Africa to find out how to take advantage of opening rates for either of the above two properties: reservations@bushtracksafrica.com