“After an overwhelming response to the Deluxe Wing opened in October 2015 and also the requests for more availability from the travel industry, we are delighted to advise you all that we have been listening! We are extending the Deluxe Wing by building an additional 17 rooms consisting of 16 Deluxe Rooms and one Executive Suite.
Land preparation for the project has commenced and the expansion has been carefully
planned to ensure there is minimal disruption to guests. Substantial boarding will
be erected to minimize the visual aspect and maintain the privacy of the
current rooms.
The rooms that will be “affected” will be the Deluxe Rooms as the building works will be taking place on the adjacent piece of land. The standard rooms and main hotel complex is away from the site where the expansion will take place, so we do not envisage any inconveniences being experienced here. Ilala Lodge will keep the building works to guest friendly hours of 8am and 5pm. The expected date of completion is 1st July 2018 and if you have any questions, please get in touch with Martin Vaughan at martin@ilalalodge.co.zw.”